Copyright February 2006 By Anna Miller
Designers must be jumping for joy to experience the craze purses have produced these days. Women will go to great lengths to carry a famous Designer Handbag. Its so very important businesses have popped up in every shape and form catering to this market niche.
Thankful for the Internets global exposure entrepreneurs reach people in all parts of the world looking for a new designer purse. Handbags in every price range are available to rent or purchase online. To those of you who aren't in the handbag circles paying $5000 for a pre owned Hermes handbag is no shock to those of us in the know!
There are authentic designer purses and counterfeit faux with hefty price tags resembling the real bags. So be careful not to fall prey to a fake unless of course, that's what you are in the market to purchase. Some of the counterfeits are so closely matched to the authentic handbags it takes an expert to know the difference. Prior to making a high priced handbag purchase visit a Discount Designer Handbag Blog for guidance. The one many people consult prior to making a purchase is located at You can email the Blog owner and receive a prompt reply. Be safe, not sorry.
So whether you are in the market for a quality designer valuebag priced under $100 or you are planning to buy your next $5000 Hermes handbag the internet is available to conduct thorough research prior to the purchase.
Wait! There are many purchase options. Websites offer consumers the opportunity to purchase a new bag put your bag on a layaway plan or borrow the bag instead of owning it. Personally the thought of borrowing a purse rubs me the wrong way. My head immediately starts asking questions. Who carried it last? What was inside it? Where had it been? You know all those weird thoughts about sanitation and germs!
Dont laugh. You remember when you were a child and your mom told you not to touch anything when you were in a public restroom. Well think about it. A purse is a very important part of your personal equipment. Hey! I've even carried my Maltese in my purse. But he is my mutt so it is OK.
So borrowing a designer handbag regardless of the cost just doesn't feel comfortable. However owning my own designer purse regardless of the cost is the price I am willing to pay for the tastes I have grown accustomed. There's nothing wrong with bargain hunting and finding the best bag for the best price. There are several places to shop both online and off. When was the last time you went shopping and didnt find a sale, bargain or clearance event?
Please dont take my opinion the wrong way. If you dont mind carrying a purse after a stranger has used it, thats your decision to make not mine. I like knowing the black Prada backpack I need to use when I travel is carefully stored in its sleeper bag in the closet waiting for my next trip. To allow the sharing my Vintage Gucci JackieO with a person I never met is unlikely. The same is true for my prized Hermes Birkin and Kelly bags. Could you imagine anyone else using your favorite purse? I'm so attached to most of my high end designer handbags they've become an integral part of my personal insignia.
So, heres my final word of advice to all the designer handbag addicts. Save your money and invest in the bag of your dreams. If next year its no longer something you want to keep around, sell it, and buy another! Theres websites where you can recycle pre-owned authentic designer handbags.
Shop around. Buy authentic designer products, and enjoy them for a long time. Care for your bag babies and properly store them when they are not being used. Its very rare for a hot style to fall short in longevity. Look at the famous Fendi Baguette. Its still a hot little number and has been on the arms of the rich and not so famous for about ten years.
Designer handbags are the rage. Yes, its so true. You can buy a pair of jeans at the Gap for $60 and wear them carrying your $5000 Hermes. Now, doesn't that sound more appealing than renting a purse? Think twice about membership fees adding up to the cost of a designer purse. Save your money and buy yourself that new Prada, Fendi, Gucci or Hermes. You'll be very glad you did.
About the Author
About the author. Anna Miller is the President of, Inc. She has been buying and selling Designer Handbags and purses of all price ranges online for over ten years. She's been around the handbag block, and she's heard and seen it all! Anna operates an ecommerce site at There, she sells guaranteed authentic or your money back Designer Handbags and Accessories. You can reach her at Anna@eFashionHouse